Wednesday, August 09, 2006

A treat for GreeneSpace readers

I'm pleased to introduce guest-blogger John Moye, who will be sitting in at GreeneSpace for a couple of weeks as he recovers from taking the North Carolina bar exam and prepares to enter the next exciting phase of his life, a clerkship with the Hon. Stanley F. Birch Jr., a member of the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals, in Atlanta.

John was an outstanding student in my seminar on the law and rhetoric of the civil rights movement. An Atlanta native, he double-majored in English and history at Georgetown. He taught ninth and tenth grade English in NYC (where, rumor has it, he also played in a band) before making the turn to law. My crystal ball predicts a fine career ahead.

Meanwhile, there's no telling what he will delve into here. Whatever, I'm sure we'll all enjoy it.

Thanks, John, and welcome!

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