Sunday, June 10, 2007

Homelessness: talking straight

Kudos to Mayor Kevin Foy for challenging the folks at the new Robert and Pearl Seymour Senior Center to think clearly about their opposition to the proposed siting of the IFC men's shelter on county property near the center.

Mayor Kevin Foy strongly defended a proposal to move the men's homeless shelter to the county's Homestead Road campus Friday, telling seniors who oppose the plan that they must reflect on their individual responsibility to the community's needy.
"Homelessness is part of an economic, social condition that we as a community struggle with. It's a blight on all of us. The way that we respond to this issue tells us who we are as a people, as a community. I just think we need to confront that," Foy told about 100 people gathered for a community meeting on the shelter at the new Robert and Pearl Seymour Center. "This is our moral challenge."

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