Thursday, March 01, 2007

The future, revisited

Longtime GreeneSpace readers will remember my fascination with the modern history of the future.

So naturally I welcome this new blog Paleo-Future ("A Look into the Future that Never Was") and the related Flickr group.

patio view

Kitchen computer, marketed by Neiman Marcus, 1969, on display at the Computer History Museum, Mountain View, California.

The Kitchen Computer was featured in the 1969 Neiman Marcus catalogue as a $10,000 tool for housewives to store and retrieve recipes. Unfortunately, the user interface was only binary lights and switches. There is no evidence that any Kitchen Computer was ever sold. Inside was a standard Honeywell 316 minicomputer, billed as the first 16-bit machine at that price from a major computer manufacturer.

Via Cliopatria, which also points to an interesting syllabus from a course on the history of the future.

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